Elevated Lifestyle Academy

Make Your Move

One of my favorite songs is called “Make Your Move” by Jervis Campbell.

I have the opportunity to meet a lot of different people, but that also means people try to sell me stuff pretty much every day. I am passionate about helping second-chance citizens and about mental health advocacy. This has placed me in a position, where people know I can help them. People try to convince me to do things for them often.

When you have the ability to attract people, money, and to make things happen; there will always be people who try to keep you around. They may try to use your abilities for their own success, and this can be quite a distraction.

This is why I pray all of the time. I want to talk to God more than I talk to anybody else; because he loves me and he wants good things for me. This is not the case with all people. For this reason, I don’t listen to people unless their message is consistent with the one I receive from God.

You can’t make me do anything. I am not lost or confused or even hard of hearing. I make moves based on God’s direction and that’s why I move differently.

Please God, make your move.

Have a great day!


From Juan Martinez, Owner/Trainer WTS:

As a strength and conditioning coach, I believe in the power of movement for physical health and mental well-being. Regular strength training can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and help manage stress.

Workout 4: Balance & Breathe – Core & Mobility

Focus: Strengthen your core and improve mobility to reduce stress.

Bird Dog – 3 sets of 12 reps per side

Russian Twists – 3 sets of 20 reps

Dead Bugs – 3 sets of 15 reps

Hanging Leg Raises – 3 sets of 12 reps

Cat-Cow Stretch – 3 sets of 10 breaths

Child’s Pose – Hold for 1 minute

Ready to build both mental and physical resilience?

Do you need a plan when you step into the gym? Follow the link below to check out our West Texas Strength App.

Learn More About The WTS App Here

Contact Juan at westtexasstrength@gmail.com

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